Role: Lighthouse Keeper
The short film is about a mysterious lighthouse at the edge of the
arctic circle. Olen, the lighthouse keeper and sole resident, remains locked inside by his own choice, tortured by a tragedy he cannot overcome. Suddenly, Bera arrives at the lighthouse to help him through this painful tragedy.
It is said that the spirits cannot depart of this world until they resolve any of their unfinished business they left while living. This is the beginning point of this project. “Det evige fall” is a fragmented ghost story.
The story grabs the viewer through
several time leaps, which enlighten
us as to what happened to the
lighthouse keeper. The short film explains the mystery behind this ghost’s story.
Director: Alejandro M.Selma
about it in OCT2013
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ALICANTE PRESS: «El éxito de los cortos ‘indies’: de internet a las salas de cine