Role: Enrique
Director: Victor Verso
Special thanks to the owner of the rights: CECL Centro de Estudios Ciudad de la Luz in Alicante, recorded, with students and directors from the school.
(part of the script)
In the living room of the house, a large room, elegantly decorated, and slightly opulent, are JULIA, ENRIQUE, and 6 GUESTS. All are dressed up, women decked with jewels and men wearing impeccable suits. Have been distributed around the room into three groups. JULIA is in a group GUEST 2 and 3. ENRIQUE, very pleased, speaking alone with GUEST 1. And the third group is composed GUEST 2, 3 and GUEST 1. Dominating the room is a large table. On the table is a huge cake in which reads «Congratulations Enrique», and next to it there is a large knife. On one side there is a small mini bar. All carry a drink in hand. JULIA chatting amicably with two guests when a sound distracts outside the classroom. The two women stop talking and looking in the direction facing the hostess. The classroom door opens and the MAID appears. People classroom is silent. MAID leaves the door open.
Excuse me ma’am. Some men insist …